Thursday, May 28, 2015

1) The Web 2.0 Tool, Subject & Teacher you will use it for
2) How you will use it specifically
3) How it will help you to learn the content/lesson/unit, and any other information you want to include.

1. The Web 2.0 tool I am using is Diigo.
You can use this site to store websites you can look up later.

2. I specifically use it for project websites and data.

3. I only link websites in their that only show school website data.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Discussion questions 5/21/15

  1. 1. What's another way you can organize and store information on your computers?
  2. You can go on to a social bookmarking site and store it there. I recommend
  3. 2. What have you learned from researching the above topics? What do you know now about those current events that you didn't know before?
  4. I learned more about NFL and NBA scores and I learned about gas prices.
  5. 3. What are other social bookmarking apps/websites?
  6. They help you sort out your information that interest you in one place.
  7. 4. Will you continue to use social bookmarking?
  8. Yes, it is very helpful when storing your information. I will definitely use it more in the future.

Monday, May 18, 2015

discussion questions

1. Why do you select sites you subscribed to?
Because I like them.
2. Was it easy to find feeds and to subscribe to them?
Not all the time, sometimes it was a little difficult.
3. Which sites were your favorites?
YouTube and thats it.
4. What else would you use RSS feeds for?
To find news updates and web data.
5. How likely are you to continue using RSS feeds in the future?
I don't think so.

Tech article 5/22

Wounded turtle can return to the ocean thanks to a 3D-printed beak

My tech article this week is about a wounded see turtle with an unknown background found lifeless with a messed up beak.According to 3D Printing Industry the cause of the chopped up beak was a boat propeller. Th company scanned it's beak and was able to recreate the jaw through software, and it printed out the final results using metal grade titanium.


Change the world

    If I had to choose a future career it would be to star on Broadway. I hope that music and theater could not benefit me but the world we live in as well. We had and still do lots of musical performers such as Michael Jackson, Bruno Mars, ad Maroon 5. I wish I could go around the world and share my music with those who need it the most like people who live in bad parts of country's or young kids in hospitals. To me music and the arts are a wonderful thing and I hope that some day dreams come true.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Tech Article 5/15

                                        Ubisoft will release virtual reality games in 2016

The Animus in Assassin's Creed

My tech article this week is about Ubisoft creating reality games and will maybe be released in 2016. Company chief Yves Guillemot tells investors that Ubi is developing a certain number of titles that will take advantage of VR devices once they start reaching stores in in 2016. The challenge is building games that suit the virtual environment, it's hard to play for a long time with a display strapped to your head. I hope that they develop good games.


Monday, May 11, 2015

My invisible cloak good deed

Today I was chosen by the government to wear an invisible cloak and perform a good deed without recognition. It's just one good deed with so many options; should I save the rain-forest, help an elderly lady cross the highway or stop robbers from getting away with stolen money. It took me a while but I've decided to help animals in need. I put on the cloak and traveled around town looking for any animal in need.


 I went all around town and spotted a dog in a burning house. Firemen rush to the rescue but can't find the dog. This was my chance to perform a good deed. The cloak is fire proof so I'll be ok. I rush in and spot the dog under the bed. I rush in and get the dog. I get out with the dog and give it to the owner who is very happy but a little frightened of her dog floating in the air. As soon as my good deed is up the cloak disperses and I continue doing good deeds whenever I can.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Tech Article 5/8

Terminator Genisys

  1.    My tech article this week is about the upcoming Terminator movie coming in the summer. This sequel is about John Connor (Jason Clarke), leader of the human resistance against Skynet, sending Kyle Reese (Jai Courtney) back to 1984 to protect his mother, Sarah (Emilia Clarke), from a Terminator assassin, an unexpected turn of events creates an altered timeline. Instead of a scared waitress, Sarah is a skilled fighter and has a Terminator guardian (Arnold Schwarzenegger) by her side. Faced with unlikely allies and dangerous new enemies, Reese sets out on a new mission, to reset the future and fix time . The movie comes out on July 1, 2015.

New Class

If our school had a new class I would suggest wood-shop. Wood shop is a good class to teach students how to build stuff with wood like wooden chairs or birdhouses. This class would be an elective and students will come in third, forth, fifth, sixth, and seventh period. If it's an after activity students would meet at 3:00 to 4:00. I think this class is a good way for students to gain self confidence and motivate them to do their best.

This class would make you feel like you are in a construction site. In this class I judge on creativity and class participation. Tests in this class counts as 40% of your grade. Participation counts as 30%. Most importantly, creativity counts as 30% of your grade. This class is an easy A, all you have to do is pay attention and show some creative spirit.

Friday, May 1, 2015

Tech Article 5/1


My tech article this week is about the upcoming marvel movie Ant Man coming out this summer on July 16. In this upcoming film a con man(Paul Rudd) Must help his mentor(Michael Douglas) protect the secret of his Ant Man suit and pull off a height that will save the world. The suit allows him to shrink down to the size of an ant and increase his strength.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Tech Article 4/24

                                                           Avengers Age of Ultron


My tech article this week is about the upcoming Avengers 2 Age of Ultron movie finally coming out on May 1. In this sequel to the last blockbuster hit, Tony Stark( Robert Downey Jr.) jump starts a doormat peacekeeping program that goes horribly wrong. Tony must reunite with the rest of the Avengers such as Captain America(Chris Evens), Thor(Chris Hemsworth), and the hulk(Mark Ruffalo) to stop this new threat.


Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Wiki opinion

                  Wikipedia can be a useful website for certain things. This website is useful for looking up information a celebrity or a movie but not for writing a research paper on Abraham Lincoln or World War one or two. The reason why Wikipedia is not useful for writing a research paper is because anonymous people can go on and change information to make it wrong so if you want to write about the Holocaust and you go on Wikipedia then make sure you know your information really well because some of the information you are reading may not be correct. I recommend that if you are using the internet for reliable information for a research paper do not go on Wikipedia because some information may just be a random person changing information. 

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Spring Break


            School is a great place for you to get an education but what I really like about school is Spring break. Spring break is good for you because then you can take a rest and relax after all the "hard work" us students have to do. My Spring break was relaxing and time to myself, when I was home. Through most of my time off I was still in school but I wasn't learning anything school related, I was learning some dance numbers and stage direction for our schools upcoming production of footloose, hope you will come to see the show.


           When I wasn't at rehearsal I was home with my family, and when they weren't around I would just spend some time to myself. I spent most of my time with my seven year old and two year old cousins Kyleigh and Logan. Kyleigh like to come over our house a lot and when she comes over there is a good chance of her brother, my younger cousin, Logan being there too. When those two come over they do the same thing every time, Kyleigh likes to follow me around and wants to do everything I want to while Logan on the other hand stomps around like a little godzilla destroying everything in her path. So my Spring break wasn't much but I just enjoyed some time to myself when I wasn't at play or with my two crazy cousins. I hope that next years Spring break will be even better.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Blog Post 4/2

                                                             Batman Arkham Knight


  • Rocksteady studios, the creator of Arkham Asylum and City, has finally developed Batman Arkham Knight.
  • They have described this game as "The finale to the series."
  • Arkham Knight is the first out of the series to be developed for PS4 and Xbox one rather than PS3 and Xbox 360.
  • Rocksteady is bringing back the Scarecrow after he diapered in the first game Arkham Asylum. 
  • This is the first game out of the series to have a M for mature rating.
  • The game will come out on June 2 2015.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Blog Post 3/27

                   Samsung's Galaxy S6 and S6 Edge will debut in the US on April 10th

Samsung has just announced that you will be able to pre-order the Galaxy S6 and Edge starting on the 27th with a full nationwide debut on to follow on April 10th. There will be black, white, and even gold versions of these two phones.


Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Tech article 3/13

                             Yes, you can replace the Apple Watch battery (through Apple)

                          Apple Watch Edition

  • If your Apple Watch battery runs dry then you can go and get it replaced.
  • Apple has confirmed to TechChurch that the battery is replaceable by Apple no less.
  • There is no mention of how much a replacement costs but a quick look at the fine print on product page shows that you will get a warranty coverage if your battery has lost 50 percent or more.
  • There is still hope that you can get a battery swap every 7 year vintage cycle.
  • That wouldn't stop other components from being outdated.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Tech Article 3/6

                                       TIE interceptor looks ready to blast some rebel scum

  • The man who created a working Millennium Falcon out of a drone has crossed to the dark side.
  • Techcrunch spotted the TIE fighter drone that builder Philip_C based on Return of the Jedi model. 
  • After designing it in AutoCAD and painstakingly building it over several days he tested it and called the early results "not awesome"
  • After many shattered props later he finally had a stable craft complete with majestic LED lights
  • He included a step by step log of his work that you can watch in the video

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Tech article 2/27/15

                               Five miles of Hyper loop test track will be built in California  


  • Hyper loop Travel Technologies is one of the companies inspired by Elon Musk's idea of making people travel in tubes.
  • He signed a deal to build a five mile test facility in the state of California.
  • It will be built by a local developer along Interstate 5 and construction is planned for next year.
  • Even though the tub idea was Elon's idea, he was occupied with SpaceX and Tesla to develop the develop the project but the entrepreneur changed his tune.
  • Lets hope that it won't be long till we see Hyper loops all around the country.

Monday, February 23, 2015

Tech article 2/23

                                 Astronauts pilot a jetpack using virtual reality

  • Astronauts practice on board the piloting a jetpack with a chunky laptop strapped to their head.
  • The laptop runs a virtual reality simulator through a VR headset.
  • It's necessary for them to know how to pilot the jetpack since they are used to propel astronauts if their tether gets severed during a space walk.
  • These jetpacks are called Simplified Aid for EVA Rescue or "SAFER."
  • SAFERS are the backpacks that they wear near the space station in case they are in danger of getting lost in space.

Friday, February 20, 2015

Web 2.0 Multimedia Blog Pre-Posting

   In the Wood-Ridge Jr/HS we have a great choir class and glee club. Both of these is taught by Mrs. Manolakakis who has been the vocal music teacher for eleven years. I have known her since I was nine years old. This class and after school club has helped me get a greater understanding of music and I hope to take the stuff I learned and fulfill my dream of becoming a famous musician.
  When I first took the class I did not expect to have as much fun. But as soon as I started to sing I knew that singing was my passion and it still is today. So far I have learned how to read music and sing in my falsetto. I have also learned how to sing the high notes even though I still have a little trouble because I am a tenor which is the high male voice and yes I know, "high male voice," but not that high. Mrs. Mano to me is the best music teacher ever and I hope to take what she taught me and sing for as long as I can.
File:Musical notes.svg

   Her class is easy to pass, all you need to do is go to the concerts and you get extra credit on your final exam and if you pay attention in her class, and she knows if your are or not, you will do fine. I also think that the trips are so much fun like when we go to Paper mill Playhouse and see really great shows that I will never forget, or when the glee club sang on news 12 for Sounds of the Season that I also will never forget. When we sing at the winter and spring concerts I fell like I am on a Broadway stage. Singing is my passion, and I know I've already said this but without music I don't know what would become of me.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Tech Article 2/12/15

  • The UK have built a driverless car called the Lutz Pod.
  • It has a long, arching windscreen and chunky, futuristic wheel caps.
  • It was not designed for the open road but for pedestrianized spaces.
  • It can seat two people and can scoot around for 40 miles or for six hours on a daily charge.
  • it has a top speed of 15 miles an hour which should be helpful for commuters, shoppers and elders.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Tech Article 2/6

  • The Navy have been working on a project to replace surveillance and attack craft in one vehicle.
  • They are planing to build a drone but will not be seen in action till 2023 at least.
  • People higher up the chain are concerned about the price and capability and they will not start to begin work on it till next year.
  • The seniors at the pentagon are concerned that the drone might not be stealthy enough to handle the operation it was programmed to  do.
  • 2016 is the year in which point the process by which defense companies plan to build the fleet.